Yesterday was laser hair removal day for my face. It was my 6th treatment. They've been bumping up the intensity the past few sessions so it tends to sting a bit more and my face usually ends up pretty red afterwards. The esthetician said she could see quite a few hairs popping out as she zapped them which is a good sign. I've really been noticing a difference lately. My face usually looks the best during the 2nd and 3rd weeks after being zapped. The hairs on my upper lip and chin area are still being stubborn little bitches and I tend to see a bit of a shadow there before anywhere else.
While we were at the mall we did a little shopping. I picked up a sweet new red leather purse AND Guitar Hero 3 for our PS2. Trixie bought them both for me as belated birthday gifts. So we got to "jam" for awhile last night before bed. I think it will be one of those games that is hard to put down once you pick it up. Now we just need to get another "guitar" for it so we can personalize our axes and face off in a grinding dual to the death!!!
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