Just wanted to post a sample pic from my latest update. See the full set of 111 pictures in my members area.
So far the hormones are treating me well. It's only been 5 days now but I do feel a bit calmer inside if that makes any sense. Especially a half hour or so after I take the estrogen. I'm on fairly low doses to start out with; 2mg of estradiol and 50 mg spironolactone once a day. I'll probably ramp up the doses in a few months depending on how things go.
There are a few physical changes I've noticed so far. My nipples feel a little itchy at times and seem to be a bit red and slightly swollen. My body odor is changing. My arm pits used to have a distinct musky smell to them. They smell different to me now. My skin does seem to be getting more sensitive to touch and temperature. I know things like breast growth take at least a few months to really take off and don't happen overnight. But it's pretty exciting to see and feel some of these things starting to happen.
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