wDelia's Den
A look into the life of a part time crossdresser transitioning to full time transwoman.


More info on my boob and ffs plans

wMore Blogs & Journals:

My Girlfriend's Blog

Transgender Related:

Absolut Vixen
Alexis Lane
Cleo's Blog
Satin Jenni
Sweat Shop Sissy
Wendy Williams

Adorable Audrey
Angela St Lawrence
Doc Holly
Goddess Glory
Heather Corrina
Helen at Home
Kris Madison
Rachel Kramer Bussel
Violet Blue
Waking Vixen

Porn Blogs
Crossdresser Playground
Crossdressing Porn
Extreme Ladyboys


My Favorite Links

**Latest Site - Sammi Valentine

Ass Toyed Shemales
Big Dick Girls
Bob's T-Girls
(free vid samples)

Brazilian Transsexuals
Club Crossdresser
Foxy Angel
Girl Fucks Guy (free trial)
Gay Like Girl
Innocent Dick Girls (toons)
Jamie Cox
Mandy T-Girl
Only T-Girls
PI Ladyboy
SheAniMale (toons)
Shemale Yum
Strap On Jane
Thailand Ladyboy
Trans Pantyhose
Vicki Richter
Victoria Holyns
Wendy Williams
Wired Shemales
Zoe Fuck Puppet

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wFriday, May 22, 2009

Shifting Gears

I've been feeling a little shift in gears in my transition recently. Kind of like I'm settling into it a bit. Like when you hit cruising gear after accelerating for awhile. Or maybe it's just 2nd or 3rd gear or something.

Once again this year Trixie and I attended a local transgender conference. The past two years we've only been able to be there for the weekend. We also were one of the couples on a panel discussion on TG relationships. This year it was just us and one other couple, a female to male (FTM) transsexual and his female partner. It was interesting to hear things from the other perspective, especially the shift in sexual identity within the couple. In some ways it was a reversal of what we are going through as a couple. Although Trixie and I both identify as pansexual/omnisexual so I don't think our own sexual identities have really shifted much. The way we are perceived as a couple by society has shifted though from a hetero couple to lesbian, the exact opposite of what the other couple was going through.

I also attended a great little workshop while we were there on feminizing your voice with Kathe Perez. Kathe is a Speech-Language Pathologist who specializes in voice feminization. I did a one on one session with her too later in the day which was really cool. Nice to get some feedback and a few tips and pointers as well as some take home exercises. She has a CD series, Fundamentals of Your Feminine Voice, that I picked up while I was there also. I haven't made my way through the whole set yet but it seems like it has some pretty good tips and exercises. I think it's really going to help me focus on the the areas I need to improve in order to have a more natural feminine sounding voice. Eventually I would like my singing voice to have a feminine ring to it too. I haven't been playing my guitar much lately because everytime I start to sing something my male voice comes through and it just sounds weird to me and freaks me out a little.

Speaking of things that are natural and feminine . . . my boobs seem to really be starting to shape up. This picture and the one up top are from my latest members update. There are some really beautiful shots in this set. We took them right around sunset so they have a nice warm glow to them :-)

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posted by Delia at 1:32 PM
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wSunday, April 26, 2009

Portland Trip

Slutty shemale schoolgirl pics

Well we had a pretty good trip down to Portland last week. I was hoping to shoot again with Mandy but she was out of town (missed her by one day). I was also hoping to shoot with Krissy but she got sick and had to cancel. But I did get a clean bill of health from my Doc, which is the whole reason we were down there in the first place. We were also able to get caught up on some more solo content. We shot 3 videos and 4 picture sets, including the schoolgirl pics from above, while we were there. So we made pretty good use of our time.

Every time we've been down to Portland I always wish we had more time to just hang out and explore. I think we probably would have done a bit more of that but my back started acting up. It's been feeling much better lately but I think walking around and standing on the hard concrete irritated it a bit. I think I also have a hard time relaxing when I know I could/should be doing work related things. It's really hard for me to keep it all separated sometimes.

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posted by Delia at 12:35 PM
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wWednesday, April 15, 2009

Getting Sprung
Here's a little sample from my latest set of pics. The full gallery of 177 pics is now availible in my members area. I'll also be adding video this weekend. Some really hot toy play that you won't want to miss!

Spring is definitely in the air around here. On Monday I got another laser hair removal treatment on my face and neck area. On the way back home Trixie and I stopped at a nursery and pick up a few nice showy plants for our little planter boxes out front. We also found a special herb that we've been trying to find for awhile now, Perilla. It's used a lot in Vietnamese and Japanese cooking in rolls and salads. It really is delightful.

Monday was a pretty wet and cold day, in fact we even got a little snow on the way down. But today the sun finally decided to shine, and we were able to get out and plant. We even had a little lunch outside on our deck. I also mowed the lawn for the first time this season. I love the smell of fresh cut grass. The hummingbirds have been putting on their little displays the past few weeks now too. It finally feels like spring is here.

I'm going in to get my hair done tomorrow. I think I'm going to go a little lighter with the color, bring in a little more blonde. I'm also doing a cam show tomorrow and Friday so be sure to come by and see how it turns out.

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posted by Delia at 6:05 PM
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wFriday, March 27, 2009

My Tits, My Back

A few weeks ago I did something not so good to my back. I'm not sure exactly what I did to cause it. I think I may have tweaked it a little when I was shooting a POV video of Trixie giving me a blow job. I tried doing some stretching later on and I think I may have over twisted or something only making it even worse. Our soft and sagging mattress didn't help things either. I was waking up in the middle of the night in pain and having to get up and lay on the floor in sleeping bag with my legs propped up. I finally got a sheet of 3/4" plywood and slid it in between the mattress and the box spring. That helped a lot. I've been doing a lot of light stretching and taking things pretty easy lately and I'm feeling a lot better.

The whole ordeal made me feel old and feeble. It really made me appreciate what it must be like elderly with all the aches and pains. It's funny how having your mobility limited can effect you mentally. It really put me into a bit of a funk.

I was a little bummed out the last time I went in for my laser treatment. They had a new esthetician there who actually worked at the old place I went to. So the treatment wasn't nearly as good as the first time I went. I made sure to request the same person who did it before for my next appointment coming up next week.

On the boobage front things seem to be going quite well. My breasts are continuing to grow and are still pretty sore. My areolas are looking noticeably bigger. I did end up taking my nipple rings out after going back and forth on it for so long. It is nice to be able to feel nipples without any metal in the way. Trixie has been enjoying them also. It feels incredible when she sucks on them and plays with them when we're having sex.

This is actually the last set of pictures I did with my nipple rings in. The full gallery is now available in my Members Area. I also posted a new video update for my Trans Vlog where I spend a lot of time playing with my budding titties ;-) That ended up being more fun than I thought it was going to be!

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posted by Delia at 2:07 PM
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wThursday, March 12, 2009

Cheesecake Donuts

These are a few samples from a set I'll be posting in my Member's Area for an update tomorrow:

Some times it's a bit of a challenge having a "solo girl" site and still keeping things interesting, fresh and relevant. I try to mix things up as much as possible and provide some variety. The contrast in this weeks update and the past few is a prime example, moving from dark and voyeuristic images with a more serious tone to the bright and slightly garish cheesecake images with more of a humorous tone.

I'm actually posting these this week for St. Patrick's day. Not that donuts have anything to do with the Irish but it was the only thing I had with some green in it.

It was a pretty fun and tasty shoot overall. I got to fill a few donut holes and even put my special glaze on one. The only problem was having a bunch of extra donuts laying around afterwards. Not the healthiest of treats. We did end up throwing a few of them out, but not before at least sucking out a little custard cream filling ;-)

I'll be doing cam shows on Tuesday (St Patrick's Day) and Wednesday next week. So members be sure to check the schedule.

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posted by Delia at 11:00 AM
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wSunday, March 01, 2009

Twin Peaks - No Tell Motel

These are a few samples from my latest update

We continued with the Twin Peaks theme this week. Shooting in a dimly lit motel room proved to be a bit of a challenge. We had brought all of our lighting equipment just in case we wanted it. But in this case it would have completely destroyed the mood we were trying to capture.

I really like the painting of the prairie home and rusted out locomotive. We were going to do some other things involving the creepy mask and wig, but decided to save that for another day.

It was a little frustrating finding exactly what settings on the camera to use for this dark and moody set. I know there are probably other things we could have done to make these look better but overall I was really pleased with what we accomplished.


I'm not sure why but I tend to be one of those people who doesn't make a big deal about birthdays, anniversaries, or holidays in general. It's not that I don't honor those achievements or traditions it's just that I don't always feel the need to celebrate them. One birthday/anniversary/milestone that I do want to mention here in my blog before it gets too far behind me is the 5th year of DeliaCD being open to members.

I originally opened my site in February of 2004. Things started out pretty slow and I was (and still am) kind of learning things as I went. It was pretty slow going at first but gradually I began to build up more and more content for my site. As more members joined I was able to quit my "regular" job and focus more of my attention on the site. It has been really rewarding watching it grow over the years. Five years is the longest time that I've ever stuck with any sort of job, so I'm also pretty proud of the commitment that I've shown in sticking with it for so long. I sent out a newsletter last week with a link to this little page I made just for the occasion. I spent way too much time making each one of those banners, but it was actually kind of fun. Each one is unique and is made up of the thumbnails that I use to link to my galleries and video pages.

It's funny because in some ways I feel like I've accomplished a lot over that period and in other ways I feel like I could have done so much more. So yeah . . . hindsight.

Trixie wrote about a few other anniversaries that are important to me also.

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posted by Delia at 10:58 AM
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wSaturday, February 21, 2009

Twin Peaks River Pics

Just thought I'd share a few photos from my latest update. Last week we were up in Twin Peaks country and wanted to do some shoots with that theme in mind. The weather wasn't exactly what we had in mind as Trixie mention in this blog entry she made in our motel room while I was getting ready.

We didn't end up shooting as much as we had planned to for a variety of reasons. Weather was one factor and also some of the places that we wanted to shoot at ended up being much more exposed than we were hoping for. We did manage to do this set by the river with "Twin Peaks" in the background. It felt pretty secluded but there's a main road with a bridge just up river so I was clearly visible when I was near the water. Also, while we were shooting I kept hearing voices from the other bank as well as the whining of a chainsaw. Probably just one of the local chainsaw artists hard at work.

Overall the set had a really voyeuristic feel to them. At times it seemed to work well and at other times I just ended up looking like a total dork (rather than just kind of dorky). The sun was pretty bright so in a lot of the pictures I'm either squinting or my eyes are closed. This last shot is of me doing my best Laura Palmer blissed out dance routine.

We ended up doing more of the nudey pictures on the bank where we were tucked away a little more and felt a little more safe. After all, I wouldn't want to end up like Laura Palmer; washed up somewhere, wrapped in plastic.

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posted by Delia at 9:26 PM
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wTuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day
I wanted to be sure to wish everyone a happy Valentine's Day since we are going to be out shooting on location and may not be back in time.

We were planning on doing some outside shoots while we are gone but I'm not sure if the weather is going to cooperate with us. So we're keeping our fingers crossed.

This picture gallery is already up in my members area and I'm going to try to post the video while we are gone so it will be up for Valentine's Day. Also a quick reminder that I've got cam shows scheduled for Sunday and Monday at 5:00 pm Pacific time. So if you didn't get any action on Valentine's Day you can come by and get off with me ;-)

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posted by Delia at 3:55 PM
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wThursday, January 08, 2009

Hello Kitty
**I just noticed something weird on all the pages that I have a twitter badge on it is asking for a username and password. If you are getting prompted just click cancel or close out the window. Hopefully it will be remedied soon.***

I've just finished editing the video clip from my latest picture set. I did a shoot in these cute fuzzy Hello Kitty shorts.

The pictures actually turned out pretty good despite some technical issues we were having with the camera.

I was a little uncertain about the garter belt, stocking and legwarmer combo but I have to say I really think it somehow works ;-)

The video is pretty funny because we shot it in our spare room on the guest bed (Trixie's old bed). It's probably the squeakiest bed I've ever slept in. When Trixie and I would fuck at her old apartment I was sure the whole building knew what was going on! So yeah, I was also using a little hello kitty buzzy toy but it was pretty quite compared to the squeaking and creaking of the bed. I'll be posting the video in tomorrow's update.

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posted by Delia at 1:50 PM
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wFriday, January 02, 2009


Some of you may (or may not) have noticed that I skipped last weeks $Five4Friday$ entry. I've decided to start doing them on the first Friday of each month. I think every week is a little overkill since I don't post a blog entry every day and sometimes only get to blog once a week. I don't want these to be the only entries for weeks on end. So this month I decided to do a little retrospective on the blonde bob wig days.

A lot of people, myself included, really enjoyed this look on me.

I wish I would have had the foresight to buy a bunch of these wigs after buying this one. It was actually a pretty cheap wig and I didn't take very good care of it so it wore out pretty quickly. I've tried finding this one again but have only found similar ones that never quite worked for me.

The reason I started doing $Five4Friday$ was to encourage people to make a $5.00 donation or other small contributions to my FFS and Boob fund via Chip In:

Click here for more info on my Boob job and FFS plans

It's also been kind of fun for me to go back through some of my older pictures and look through the different shoots I've done over the years. The bulk of the blonde sets with this wig were in '05 and '06.

I did a lot of camming in this wig too, which I think shortened it's lifespan considerabley ;-)

So I'll be posting a bit of a year in review entry in the next few days but right now I have to get ready for a shoot we are doing later. Hope you enjoyed this little blast from the past!

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posted by Delia at 12:37 PM
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wSunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Cupcakes

I thought I'd post a few of the pictures Trixie took of me last night for a Christmas update. I think they turned out really cute:

Trixie was so proud of her little cupcake Christmas tree design.

Somehow we even happened to have a pair of panties that match the trim of the apron perfectly. It made us really appreciate having a deep pantie drawer(s):

I even got lick some frosting and get a sugar high. (Later on I also got to have some "special" frosting). I'll be posting the full gallery for my members tomorrow:

I hope everyone is enjoying the Winter Solstice. With the short days and long dark nights we've been having, I'm sure glad the days will be getting longer again. We've had a inordinate amount of snow the past week for these parts. Luckily we stocked up on a few items in between snow storms so we don't really have to worry about going out on the nasty roads.

Trixie and I are actually going to take it easy this year and spend the day together. So no family drama for us . . . yay!!! I know this is a tough time of the year for a lot of people. And with the economy taking a dump it makes it even tougher. But whatever your beliefs may be I hope you are enjoying the holidays and hope you are staying safe and warm.

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posted by Delia at 9:33 PM
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wFriday, December 19, 2008


TGIF! It's another addition of the all new $Five4Friday$ where I post five of my pictures and encourage you the people to make a $5.00 donation to my boob and FFS fund. This week I'll be continuing with the Christmas theme bringing you five pictures from my Xmas Leopard set.

Click here for more info on my Boob job and FFS plans

Chip in is all about helping someone out with small contributions. I like to think of it like an office situation where they take up a collection for a fellow worker. I imagine myself sitting in my cubicle working away on a Friday afternoon. Suddenly I notice it's gotten quiet, except for a murmur coming from the break room. When I decide to go investigate I am greeted with a surprise gathering with cake and mylar balloons. A co-worker cuts through the crowd and announces, "We heard what you were going through so me and the gang took up a collection", handing my an envelope he says, "It's not much, but hopefully it will help out a little." Bursting into tears, I am then surrounded by a big group hug. Then everyone eats cake and gets to go home early. Awwwww. That's sort of how I imagine it anyway. But since I'm self employed and the only person I work with is Trixie, I kind of have to rely on the old chip in plan or wait for the right sugar daddy to come along ;-) So if anyone feels like donating a five spot for my cause it would be greatly appreciated! Thank You!!!

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posted by Delia at 9:34 AM
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wThursday, December 11, 2008

$Five for Friday$

I've been trying to think of some new ways to raise money for my boob and ffs fund lately. I've had the chip in (see sidebar) up for a few weeks now and people are starting to use it but nowhere near the rate I was hoping for. So, one of the ideas I came up with is this special weekly blog entry called $Five for Friday$. I'll be posting five of my favorite pictures from selected galleries and encouraging people to make a $5.00 contribution. The whole idea of chip in is to reach a monetary goal with lots of little donations. Of course you can contribute more or less if you like - or - skip it for now and just enjoy some free pics. I'm going to kick things off with some special holiday pictures we took last year with our super cool (at least we thought so) pink Christmas tree.

Click here for more info on my Boob job and FFS plans

Since this is the first week I'll be doing this and I'm feeling the joyous holiday spirit I'm also going to throw in a little sample video from this shoot. You can see just how much I love my satin maribou slippers!!

Full Video and Gallery appearing in my Members-Only area Now!
JOIN NOW for access to ALL of my pics & vids!

So . . . not to beat this thing to death or anything but . . . this is the $5.00 part of the $Five4Friday$ and your chance to contribute:

Click here for more info on my Boob job and FFS plans

Upcoming Events for Members:
SHOW Saturday 6-7 pm Pacific Time.
Click on the Rude link on Members-Only page.
JOIN NOW for access.

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posted by Delia at 8:30 PM
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wSaturday, December 06, 2008

Busy Week

This has been kind of an exhausting week for me. We had our late Thanksgiving with Trixie's sister's family on Tuesday. So they arrived on Monday evening and left on Wednesday afternoon. I did all the cooking which I truly enjoy. We did the full spread with Turkey, stuffing, mashers, gravy, yams, cranberries, green beans, and of course pumpkin pie with whipped cream. I thought the turkey was a little off. We bought it fresh last year and then Trixie's mom broke her wrist right before Thanksgiving so we ended up sticking it in the freezer for a year. Everyone seemed to enjoy it though and no one got food poisoning or anything so that was good.

Thursday I woke up with a sore throat and stuffy nose but needed to do a shoot for this weeks update (see pictures above). On Friday I had to drive about 7 hours round trip through shitty traffic to get to my laser hair removal appointment. They closed down the branch of the spa that I've been going to for the last year and a half so the closest one is now twice as far. There are a couple places that do laser and are closer but when I signed on for their package of treatments they offered half off of any follow ups. So it was worth the drive.

When I got home I spent the rest of the evening editing pictures. Today/Saturday I finished off the editing, built the gallery and uploaded the picture set. Then I took pictures of Trixie for her update this week. Oh yeah, I also made some promo clips that I added to my free video page. So it's been a busy week and next week we're planning on doing Christmas shoots and cam shows on the weekend. No rest for the wicked.

Upcoming Events for Members:
SHOWS Saturday & Sunday 4-5 pm Pacific Time.
Click on the Live Shows link on Members-Only page.
JOIN NOW for access.

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posted by Delia at 9:25 PM
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wTuesday, November 25, 2008

Portland T-girls

I was so excited yesterday when I got an email from Krissy from Krissy4U.com announcing that she would be donating 5% of her December sales to my boob and ffs fund. Krissy is from Portland and runs her own independent tg website like me. She puts her heart and soul into everything she does and it shows. It's such a great feeling to be getting that kind of support from within the industry especially from someone in the same little niche that we both occupy. I know many of you already know what a great job she does with her site but if you've never seen her site be sure to stop by and check it out.

See more holiday pics from Krissy here.

Speaking of t-girls from Portland I wanted to let everyone know that the video that I shot with Mandy is now posted and available in my member's area. I posted it a few weeks ago but somehow forgot to mention it here. Here's a few stills I grabbed from the video.

I'll be doing two post Thanksgiving cam shows this week on Friday and Saturday. Members can check our schedule for details.

Upcoming Events for Members:
SHOW Friday 5-6 pm Pacific Time.
Click on the CamZ link on Members-Only page.
JOIN NOW for access.

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posted by Delia at 6:11 PM
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wMonday, November 03, 2008

Me and Mandy
Here are a few sample pictures of me and Mandy from my latest gallery:

See all 186 pictures now in my members area. We also shot some video together that involves some heavy petting, mutual masturbation and ends with Mandy receiving a hot sticky mess all over her face. I really had a fun time shooting with Mandy and hope we can work together again in the future.


Here in Washington State a lot of counties (including ours) are now switching over to voting by mail. I've had my ballot for over a week now and I'll be filling it out this afternoon. I think you'd have to be living under a rock not to recognize the significance of this election. I'm not going to run down the whole list of why I'm voting Obama and a straight Democratic ticket. There is just nothing about John McCain or the Republican party in it's current manifestation that doesn't make my skin crawl. Just remember that every vote counts. Just because things look really good for Obama right now doesn't mean you don't need to cast your ballot. The greater the margin of victory the clearer the message is and the stronger the mandate. So get out (or stay home) and VOTE!!!

Upcoming Events for Members:
SHOW Sunday 4-5 pm Pacific Time.
Click on the CamZ link on Members-Only page.
JOIN NOW for access.

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posted by Delia at 9:44 AM
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wFriday, October 17, 2008

Back Home
We had a good little trip down to Portland earlier this week. I needed to see my doctor before getting a refill on my hormones and also wanted to see about upping the dosage. We decided to go down a bit early so we could get some shoots in while we were there. Including this one with Mandy:

I hardly ever shoot with other people so I felt a little bit awkward at times. But once we started getting into I felt a little more at ease. It's hard when you are shooting with someone as pretty and svelte as Mandy not to feel like a clumsy oaf at times, but most of the pictures turned out pretty good. And the video . . . I don't want to ruin any surprises but . . . ummmmmm, yeah . . . pretty, pretty, pretty . . . hawt!

Anyway, Mandy was a delight to work with and editing all that footage should keep me busy for a little bit. Right now I'm busy editing another really nice solo set with more of a Halloween theme to it.

But before I get too far into it I'm going to take a little break and make a batch of chicken enchilada soup!

Upcoming Events for Members:
SHOW Sunday 4-5 pm Pacific Time.
Click on the CamZ link on Members-Only page.
JOIN NOW for access.

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posted by Delia at 7:16 PM
(2) comments

wFriday, September 19, 2008

Some New Stuff

A few pics from my latest update. See the full 250 picture set in my members area:

I feel like I've been really busy with things lately, some general "life" stuff and some business/website related stuff. One of the things I would like to improve on is taking a little time to blog about things as they happen or close to it. That way I don't end up with one huge blog entry that takes longer to write. I'm more likely to leave things out or gloss over them if I have to sit down and blog for longer periods of time.

One of the cooler things that I've been up to lately is creating a video log for my members area. I'm calling it my trans vlog. It's basically a way of creating a video documentation of my transition. I've done three entries now and it's been a month since I started on the 'mones. I originally wanted to do an entry every week but I want to keep it fresh and try not to let it to get too repetitive.

I decided to finally create a YouTube account to share some of the PG versions of my trans vlog with others and as yet another method of viral marketing. Yup, welcome to the new millennium. I had to cut out the nudity to conform to YouTube standards. So you don't get see the growth of my nipples, areolas, and boobies unless you are a member.

I feel like I need to start on some voice and speech training so I can sound a bit more feminine when I speak. I've never liked my male voice so I guess this is a good time to create a female voice that I might actually like. For anyone who doesn't know, female hormones have no effect on a male voice. Once you've cracked you can't go back. Testosterone for FTM's will create a deeper, huskier voice though.

Upcoming Events for Members:
SHOW Sunday 4-5 pm Pacific Time.
Click on the CamZ link on Members-Only page.
JOIN NOW for access.

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posted by Delia at 5:09 PM
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wSaturday, August 16, 2008

Beach Pictures

Here's a few pics from this weeks update taken during our trip out to the Washington coast earlier this week:

I'll be posting the full set on Sunday so technically I guess that makes it next weeks update.

We had a great time while we were there. The weather was mostly overcast and foggy, but we did get a few sun breaks. And it was warm enough that we were able to get out and frolic in the water for awhile. Not that we wouldn't have otherwise . . . it just made it a bit nicer.

We took lots of long walks, took some nudey pictures and ate lots junk food(mmmmmmm . . . spicey pickled sausage and Zotz!). The last night we stayed at a campground roasted hot dogs and marshmallows over an open fire. I also had a chance to test out my new camp stove which worked great for hot drinks.

I noticed a little more color in my face when we got home. I think it looks great but, unfortunately I have a laser hair removal appointment next week. So it's not so great for that. I even wore sunblock most of the time. I think it must have washed out in the water though. Oh well, it should fade out some by next week.

Upcoming Events for Members:
SHOW Sunday 4-5 pm Pacific Time.
Click on the CamZ link on Members-Only page.
JOIN NOW for access.

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posted by Delia at 5:21 PM
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wFriday, August 01, 2008

A Little Update

Here's a sample shot from my latest picture set. Gotta love them stripes ;-)

See the full set of 120 pictures in my member's only area.

I know at times I'm not very clear or open about what's going on in my life. I can see how people might get confused or have the wrong impressions of what exactly it is that I'm going through. Sometimes I'll talk about things or think about things or have conversations about certain subjects and totally forget that the rest of the world hasn't been privy to any of it. Of course there are things that I don't want the whole world to be privy to, but that's not what I'm talking about here.

The other thing is that a lot of times I'll start blogging about something . . . not be able to complete it or explore the subject adequately . . . scrap it . . . then forget that I actually never published anything. I think it has a little therapeutic for me but, again, no one else really gains any insight. I also assume that a lot of people who read my blog also read Trixie's blog and gather info on what's going on with me through her.

These are just a few of the many things I've been thinking about lately and I'm not sure if I've really shared here or on Twitter or in emails or chat with people.

I still haven't come out to my parents and siblings. I've been thinking a lot about it lately with the recent death of my grandma. Trixie and I were in the Seattle area a few weeks ago visiting with an aunt, uncle, and cousins that were visiting for the week. None of them know yet that I am trans so it was a little strange sitting down and having dinner with them in DRAB and hoping there wouldn't be any slips in my mannerisms or Trixie wouldn't drop the wrong name or pronoun.

All in all it went well though I never really felt at ease during the whole visit. On the way back home I vowed to myself that that would be the last time I ever would put myself through something like that. I had already made an appointment with my therapist to work out a solid game plan for talking to my parents and coming out to my family. It's something that has really been weighing heavy on my mind lately. I feel a little relieved now that we have a good plan in place. It was also reassuring talking to someone who has helped people get through this sort of things countless times before.

We discussed timing a little bit and the advantages and disadvantages of being on HRT before talking to them. We were hoping that I would be on hormones and Trixie would have a bun in the oven when we had the whole conversation with my parents. Unfortunately the getting pregnant part has taken a lot more time and resources than we had originally planned on. So next month, baby on the way or not, I'll start on HRT. I'm going to put one last load of sperm into storage before hand. We're going to keep trying for the next few months and hope for the best. I know I can always back off the mones at some point if need be. At any rate I'll have a few months of being on hormones before talking to my parents about it which I think will help.

Upcoming Events for Members:
SHOW Sunday 4-5 pm Pacific Time.
Click on the CamZ link on Members-Only page.
JOIN NOW for access.

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posted by Delia at 6:20 PM
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wSaturday, July 12, 2008


Sometimes I wish the photo shoots that we do just hinged on getting that one perfect shot . . . the money shot. Like they do in the advertising industry. With a very narrow focus and some sort of pre-concieved notion of what everyone is after. The model knows, the photographer knows, the hair and make-up people know, the wordrobe people know, even the guys that work the lights and fans and such are tuned into that one vision of the "perfect" picture.

Unfortunately for us we don't even have a staff to convey that sort of info to at this point. It's just me and Trix. Also, being in the adult industry and all, most of the time we are working for a progression of pictures. Starting with some sexy outfit and dwindling down to nothing or next to nothing with plenty of teasing along the way. Of course that leaves things a bit open as to *how* you get from point A to point B and the door to spontaneity is left wide open for the most part.

That being said I was really excited to see this photo in the mix from our latest shoot:

I'm so happy we got this shot, though neither Trixie or I set out to capture this one image. There are several other *really* nice pictures from this set and I'm sure different people would pick out different pictures as "the shot" from the set. To me though this is it and bound to be one of my favorite images of myself for years to come.

Upcoming Events for Members:
SHOW Sunday 4-5 pm Pacific Time.
Click on the CamZ link on Members-Only page.
JOIN NOW for access.

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posted by Delia at 1:45 PM
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wSunday, June 22, 2008

Cock Sock Fever

These are a few sample pics from the latest gallery I posted in my members area yesterday.

I also just posted the nine minute solo masturbation video in which I used the elastic straps on one of the socks to tie around my waist creating a nice little cock sock. I thought it was a pretty creative use for them ;-)

You'll notice from the pictures above that I have a little less hair in the pubic region. Actually I have no pubes at all, totally bald. I decided it was time for a little change and I think it does look a little nicer in pictures. A few members have requested the clean shaven look over the years so there ya have it. I hope your happy!!! Hehehehehe.

I'm pretty happy with the results from my last laser appointment. It's been a little over year of treatments now. I have one more scheduled appointment in July and that should basically wipe out whatever is left of my facial hair. I may have to go in for a touch up session later on. I may have a few white/blond hairs that might need to be taken out by electrolysis but I think those might end up being fine enough once I start on hormones that they probably won't be noticeable.

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Trixie and I are planning on going to Seattle Pride next weekend and are hoping to do a little meet and greet but haven't nailed anything down yet. I know it's short notice but if anyone is interested be sure to let me know.

Upcoming Events for Members:
SHOW Monday 7-8 pm Pacific Time.
Click on the CamZ link on Members-Only page.
JOIN NOW for access.

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posted by Delia at 9:25 PM
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wSaturday, May 03, 2008

Cam Shows

It's funny to me how I sometimes will get people coming into my chatroom during my group cam shows who obviously come in just to be disruptive. They usually say something rude or demeaning right away and quickly leave or I boot them out. I think other people come in with the intention of being assholes and actually end up enjoying part of the show. At some point they must get a little freaked out and are confused or feel guilty then they feel the need to lash out. I suspect many of them lurk around afterwards watching but not coming into the chatroom.

I usually get the standard attempts at insults like you're fucking sick or EWWWWWW!!! or WTF are you a DUDE? Occasionally people are hostile to everyone enjoying the show saying things like you're all a bunch of FAGS!! Even though I know there are females that equally enjoy my shows. Lately I've been getting a few interesting attempts that I've found particularly amusing.

A few weeks ago someone wanted me to show them my tits. Sometimes I'll just pull the breast forms out of my bra and flop them around in front of the camera just for a laugh. But most of the time I show my tiny titties off a bit and give a close up of my pierced nipples, which I did this time. The person obviously knew I didn't have "boobs" and wanted to say something demeaning about my flat chest. So they blurted out "Those aren't real!". I got a real kick out of that one. Yeah, these are implants. I was a little short on dough so I had to go with the micro boobies!

Then there was this guy last week who sat through the whole show and wanted everyone to know what a big manly man he was with a big cock built to satisfy. I usually wait to cum towards the end of the show (a little hint there for anyone who just wants to see the pop shot). So I got near the end and did a close up cum shot with my normal two or three spurts. And this guy's comment was "You call that a load?". Now, sometimes I do pvts before my group shows or may even have had sex earlier so I don't always shoot gallons of cum. But I hadn't done either before the show last week and it really was a pretty big load. I've actually become a pretty good judge of what a good load is from having my semen stored and analyzed at the sperm bank. The total volume for a healthy male is at least 2 ml. I've been averaging 4 to 6 ml per trip. Knowing what 6 ml of cum looks like, I would say that load was in the 6 to 8 ml range. Apparently it wasn't the flood of spooge this guy produces with his super soaker schlong though. It's the first time in my four years of doing cam shows that someone has criticized the volume of cum I produce. I guess he gets points for originality.

Speaking of cam shows . . . I changed the time of my camshow on Sunday to 2:00-3:00 pm Pacific time. Hopefully the new time slot will fit into members schedules better. I kept the Monday show at 7:00-8:00 pm but will be doing pvt shows before hand so members can see me earlier on our voyeur cams and I will bein our members only chat room.

I also sent out my bi monthly newsletter this week with the usual link to some freebies. I've gotton some good feedback from it. Hmmmm . . . maybe we should be doing some more strapon sex videos? I also tend to get a lot of email everytime I send out a newletter. So if you've written recently it may take me awhile to get back to you.

Upcoming Events for Members:
SHOW Sunday 2-3 pm Pacific Time.
Click on the CamZ link on Members-Only page.
JOIN NOW for access.

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posted by Delia at 10:37 AM
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wSunday, April 20, 2008


Some times I really do wish we had the time and money to put together really high quality professional looking porn. By that I mean having a swanky set with really good lighting, a sound guy, maybe a camera man or two with high quality equipment that could capture things at different angles. Other times I just really enjoy putting together our little amateur productions for our members with their little quirks and foibles. There's a certain charm to our content and even a distinctive style that has sort of developed over the years as a result of working in our own little self contained unit. Something really personal, sexy and at times even humorous. When I was editing the half hour or so of footage for last weeks strapon video that Trixie and I shot there were things that thought were definitely hot like this:

Then there were things that just cracked me up like seeing Trixie's head pop up from behind me while she's working the zoom via remote control.

Porn with personality . . . you gotta love it!!!

Upcoming Events for Members:
SHOW Sunday 7-8 pm Pacific Time.
Click on the CamZ link on Members-Only page.
JOIN NOW for access.

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posted by Delia at 10:19 PM
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wSaturday, April 12, 2008

Promoting: Others and Self

I love the amount of cross promotion that goes on in the world of internet porn. There are various methods like trading links or swapping content. Occasionally girls will get together and do shoots that each can use on their own site while also sending traffic to their friend's. Of course some people just like the content on a particular site and think fans of their site might enjoy it too. So they may promote it and make a little money from their affiliate program.

When I got a free promotional tank top from Shemale Yum (thanks Seanchai)I decided I would do a little shoot in it. Partly because it was cute and would be good content for my site and partly to promote their site. They are actually one of the first shemale sites that I ever joined years ago. They have been on the net for over ten years now and continue to feature a wide variety of t-girls from all over world. Not only that but the people who run it are good people, at least the ones that I've been in contact with. Here's a little sample from the set:

Some people even offer to make special fan signs like this one from Jamie Cox:

Awww . . . thank you Jamie!!! She really is a cutie and from what I've seen she has some great content. She also has a super nice webmaster who has helped promote my site in the past (thanks Vince).


Okay, enough about these other sites here's a little exciting news about my site. Thanks largely to Trixie's efforts my member's area has an awesome new make over. It's much more sleek and shiny and easier to navigate with a few new added features and information. Also it is set up similar to Trixie's site. And since a membership to one of our sites gives you access to all of our sites it will make it easier to navigate for people moving from one site to the next. It makes me feel really proud every time I look at it. Here's a little peek:

Click for larger image


But wait there's more!!! Trixie and I shot some really hot strap on sex video last week. It starts out POV with me giving her strap on a good tongue bath, then she bends me over the arm of the couch and fucks my ass for awhile. The grand finale features me riding her reverse cowgirl with a sweet pop shot! I'll try to post a few screen caps from it in the next week or so.

I'll be doing a softcore cam show tomorrow since Trixie will be ovulating soon. Probably a lot of dressing and stripping with a lot of teasing. We will be having sex in the morning so members can catch us on our voyeur cams.

Upcoming Events for Members:
SHOW Sunday 7-8 pm Pacific Time.
Click on the Live Shows link on Members-Only page.
JOIN NOW for access.

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posted by Delia at 7:03 PM
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wSaturday, June 09, 2007

A Pause for the Cause

I was up pretty late last night putting the finishing touches on this week's update.

Full Gallery appearing in my Members-Only area with Friday 06/08 update
JOIN NOW for access to ALL of my pics & vids!

Full Gallery appearing in my Members-Only area with Friday 06/08 update
JOIN NOW for access to ALL of my pics & vids!

Trixie and I had a little meeting last week about what our personal changes are going to mean for our sites. We set up a rough outline of the changes that needed to be made and how we're going to adapt a new set of circumstances. I think we have a pretty good idea of where we are heading with our sites and are starting to come together with a common vision.

Last week I also sent out my monthly newsletter with my May Updates preview. I basically let everyone know that I was transitioning and that there would be a few changes coming soon. For one thing I'll be adding *another* one hour cam show by the end of the month. I'll also be adding a few hours of video chat during the week. So there will be even more personal interaction.

It's always a little exciting to me to know that my newsletter is sent out in bulk to thousands of people. I like imagining just how many people will actually be inticed into buying a membership. Usually the percentage is actually pretty low. I think most people just are happy to get a little free porn, nothing wrong with that. But I do usually see a little jump in sales after sending it out which makes it worth the hassle of putting it all together each month.

I usually keep the message simple and let the content speak for itself. This month I did add the fact that the I am transitioning and it does add some financial burden. I also added that if you are thinking about joining or have been a member in the past and enjoyed my site, than now would be a great time to sign up for a membership as a show of support. Personally I hate being solicited for money, even if it is for a cause I totally agree with. So I hope it wasn't a turn off for people or end up coming across in the wrong way. I'm actually pretty lucky to do what I do for a living and always thankful to those that have helped me out in one way or another along the way. Just getting some of the email and feedback from people has been really encouraging. It's gonna be a long and challenging journey and I'm glad I've got some good people out there looking out for me.

Upcoming Events for Members:
SHOW Sunday 4-5 pm Pacific Time.
Click on the CamZ link on Members-Only page.
JOIN NOW for access.

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posted by Delia at 9:30 AM
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